Thursday, 18 April 2019

Key Tools Used In Wireline Services For Oil And Gas

The term “Wireline” in the oil and gas terminology refers to cabling technology operated by rig professionals to bring down equipment of measurement machines in the well with a goal of successfully intervening wells, checking reservoirs and recovery of pipes. So Wireline services in Grand Prairie are needed to help smooth functioning of pipe recovery.

Tools and equipment are the backbones without which Wireline services cannot be implemented.

Wireline tools are specifically made and structured at the core of the wellbore towards the end of the wireline cable. These are the list of tools used in Wireline services depending on the nature of their job.

Natural gamma ray tools

Typically nuclear tools are used to check gamma radiation levels. However, with gamma ray tools, there is one big advantage, i.e. there is no radiation that occurs with this tool

Resistivity tools

If there is a spill or leak of fluid in underground rock, the rock’s chemical properties might be altered. The wireline resistivity tool will check for resistivity on the basis of Ohm’s Law.

Sonic and ultrasonic tools

These tools use the properties of sound waves to check for the formation of rock and underground surface. This helps to determine the health of the whole formation below the ground surface.

To conclude

These were some of the tools used in Wireline Services in Grande Prairie, It is recommended to know these tools well so that operators can make full use of these during the oil and gas production process.

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